Medical Cannabis Is Addictive But Not Truly Addictive

Some people and patients stated that medical Cannabis is not that much of addictive-like another form of a drug such as methamphetamine, ecstasy, and heroin. Some study also stated that medical weed or cannabis is also not that addictive like nicotine and alcohol. But still, it is addictive in some ways. So, the main question is here that is medical marijuana addictive?

Marijuana is one of the most largely used substances in the United States to treat different medical conditions. It has more than 200 names, and the substances are also known as weed, boom, grass, pot, herb, etc. No matter what you have named it, it can change the way your mind works. The reason behind this is the marijuana contains THC, popularly known as Delta 9- Tetrahydrocannabinol. 

Is medical marijuana or weed addictive?

With time more and more USA states are legalizing the use of medical marijuana to treat various health condition. The biggest question that has been there for a long period is medical marijuana addictive. As the usage rate is now increasing, it is quite important to understand and to confirm whether medical marijuana has addictive qualities or not. The answer is positive. 

Medical marijuana has a psychological dependence, but it never creates physiologic dependence. So, it can be said that it is addictive but not truly addictive. It has been proved that medical marijuana or cannabis has a great psychoactive effect of lowering the anxiety level and enhancing the mood. This is quite different than opiates.
Medical Marijuana

In opiates, you can feel a decrease in your pain, but you will feel an increase in your depressive level. This is the reasons behind the patients taking anti-depressant medicine with the narcotics. In a recent nationwide survey, it was revealed that marijuana is a weekly addictive drug. It doesn’t lead to dependence on regular users. It was found that around 8% to 9% of users get addicted. 

It is addictive but good for health

It is a fact that there is no sign of the existence of physical marijuana addiction. A study conducted about mental medical marijuana addiction stated that for people is it not difficult to quitting marijuana. Do you still want to know is medical marijuana addictive? Well, your addiction toward medical marijuana can be termed as a good habit. The reason behind this is medical marijuana is being used for treating a lot of health conditions.


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